The structure of the Forsyth County Democrats, guided by our Bylaws:

Executive board

Executive Board roles and responsibilities.

Runs the day-to-day functions of the Forsyth County Democrats.

County Board

Thirty (30) Forsyth County residents from throughout the county who are voting members of the Forsyth County Democrats.

General Body

Anyone in the public. All are welcome at our general and business meetings whether you’re a board member or not.


Groups of specific interest within the party. Committees coordinate and do work within a given area and are open to all members of the public.

You do not need to be a board member to be on a subcommittee.

·       Events

·       Communications

·       Bylaws

·       Candidate Recruitment

·       Budget & Finance

·       Young Democrats

·       Voter Outreach/Community Engagement

Our business meetings are held monthly on the third Thursday of the month and our general meetings are held on the following Tuesday of the month. Visit our calendar to see when our next meeting is as well as our other upcoming events. We’d love for you to join us!